Der Verlag The Long Rider`s Guild Press

Bücher über weite Ritte

CuChullaine O`Reilly (Übersetzung dk)


An unsere verehrten Leser

Der Verlag The Long Riders' Guild Press hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die gesamte schriftstellerische Arbeit der weltgrößten Weitreiter von deren Packtaschen zu Eurem Bücherregal zu bringen!

Unten findet Ihr beinahe 100 der berühmtesten Reiter-Reisebücher, die je geschrieben wurden! Damit wird zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Reiterei diese einzigartige reiterliche Erfahrung für alle zugänglich.

Viele dieser seltenen Bücher waren seit Generationen vergriffen. Und um diese Bücher wieder zur Verfügung stellen zu können, mußten Reisen in alle Kontinente unternommen werden, und Manuskripte von überallher zusammengesucht werden. Wir haben sogar den Bericht über den einzigen weiten Rittes in die Antarktis gefunden. Alle Bücher sind in ihrer originalen Sprache, einschließlich Russisch, Schwedisch, Deutsch, Spanisch usw.  

Und wenn Ihr eines der Bücher bestellen wollt, könnt Ihr das direkt bei machen: Titel merken und eingeben, falls der Titel englischsprachig ist, dann bei der Suche "englischsprachig " angeben!

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Anm.d.Red.: Die -leider sehr wenigen- deutschsprachigen Titel sind hervorgehoben. Hier kommt Ihr direkt hin:

Vier Pferde
Weltumreiter Manfred Schulze

 Die beiden Tafeln sind alphabetisch nach dem Buchtitel geordnet.


Hier die Bücher von The Long Rider`S Guild Press zum Thema "Weite Ritte":



Abode of Snow, The
A horseback journey in 1873 from Tibet to the Khyber Pass 
Andrew Wilson

Across the Roof of the World
Equestrian adventures in the Karakoram Mountains during  the Second World War

Wilfred Skrede
Adventures in Mexico
From Vera Cruz to Chihuahua on horseback during the Mexican War
George F. Ruxton
Among the Tibetans
Victorian England's most famous female explorer rides among the Tibetans
Isabella Bird
Art of Travel, The
Famed 19th Century Field Book for explorers
Francis Galton

Bohemia Junction
The adventurous life of Europe's most famous equestrian explorer!

Aime Tschiffely

Boots and Saddles in Africa
Equestrian travels in Ancient Abyssinia in 1919
Thomas Lambie
Born out of Season
The Autobiography of America's last Frontiersman
Marshal Ralph Hooker
Bridle Paths
Europe's most famous equestrian explorer rides through England
Aime Tschiffely
California Coast Trails
Riding along the Pacific Coast in 1910
J. Smeeton Chase
Caucasian Journey
The mounted adventures of a daring reporter in the 1920s
Negley Farson
Courage to Ride, The
One woman's 17,000-mile mounted odyssey from Argentina to Canada in the 1940s (Also available in French - see "L'amazone des Amériques" below.)
Ana Beker
Following the Frontier
19th Century Horseback adventures along the infamous Outlaw Trail 
Roger Pocock
Foot of the Rainbow, To the
A 1920s equestrian exploration through the Old Southwest. 
Clyde Kluckhohn
Forbidden Land, In the
An epic equestrian journey through 19th Century Tibet 
Henry Savage Landor
Forty Million Hoofbeats
An 11,000 mile journey across 1920s North America
Frank Heath
Horse Packing
Famed explorer shares lessons learned on the trail.
Charles Johnson Post
Horses, Saddles and Bridles
Essential reading for horse-lovers and students of equestrian history.
W. H. Carter
Journey from the Arctic
A winter's ride through the Arctic Circle in 1954
Donald Brown
Journeys of Celia Fiennes, The
An equestrian odyssey through Renaissance England
Celia Fiennes
Khyber Knights
An account of perilous adventure and forbidden romance in the depths of mystic Asia
CuChullaine O'Reilly
Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains, A
An Englishwoman's nineteenth Century ride through the Wild West.
Isabella Bird
Last of the Saddle Tramps
A 63-year-old woman's 7,000 mile equestrian odyssey through the USA
Messanie Wilkins
Manual of Pack Transportation
The title says it all!
H. W. Daly
Marching Wind, The
A mounted explorer rides into forbidden Tibet in 1949
Leonard Clark
Mongolian Adventure
1920s danger and escape among the mounted nomads of Central Asia
Haslund Henning
My Kingdom for a Horse
Riding through England on the eve of the Second World War
Margaret Leigh
New Zealand: Bit by Bit
An enchanting ride across an island paradise 
Jacqui Knight
Notes on Elementary Equitation
A concise study of how to ride and handle a horse.
Carleton S. Cooke
Ocean to Ocean on Horseback
A 19th Century equestrian adventure
Willard Glazier
On Horseback in Virginia
A friend of Mark Twain rides through the Old South in the 1880s
Charles Dudley Warner
On Horseback through Asia Minor
A 19th Century mounted adventure
Frederick Burnaby
Prairie Traveler, The
Famed 19th Century Field Book used by pioneers and explorers
Randolph Marcy
Titel vorübergehend entfernt
Titel vorübergehend entfernt
Ride a White Horse
A 67-year-old man rides 9,000 miles through Western Europe
William Holt
Ride to Khiva, A
Mounted adventures in Central Asia in 1875
Frederick Burnaby
Riding across Patagonia
A Victorian equestrian adventure
Lady Florence Dixie
Road to the Grey Pamir, The
A political renegade's equestrian journey through Central Asia with Stalin's blessing.
Anna Louise Strong
Rural Rides, Volumes 1 and 2
A series of personal tours through the English countryside in the 1820s
William Cobbett
Saddle and Canoe
An early 19th Century ride through the Pacific North-West
Theodore Winthrop
Saddlebags for Suitcases
A Wartime ride across Canada
Mary Bosanquet
Saddles East
Riding the old Oregon Trail in 1948
John W. Beard
England's Poet of the Saddle rides from Turkey to Wales. 
Jeremy James
Scott's Last Expedition
A record of the only equestrian journey across Antarctica 
Robert Scott
Shanghai à Moscou
An extraordinary 12,000 mile 19th Century journey, written in French.
Mme. de Bourboulon

Tale of Two Horses
A 10,000 mile journey as told by the horses.

Aime Tschiffely
This Way Southward
Europe's most famous equestrian explorer returns to South America
Aime Tschiffely
Through Five Republics on  Horseback
A hair-raising account of a journey through 19th Century South America
G. W. Ray
Through Mexico on Horseback
The adventures of two mounted explorers in the 1930s
Joseph Carl Goodwin
Through Persia on a Sidesaddle
A 2,000 mile 19th Century equestrian odyssey
Ella C. Sykes
Through Russia on a Mustang
America's most famous equestrian explorer rides through the Czar's empire in the 1890s.
Thomas Stevens
Through the Heart of Afghanistan
A classic 1920s account of life in the Forbidden Kingdom
Emile Trinkler
Through the Highlands of Shropshire
Riding through England in the 1930s
Magdalene Weale
Travels in Afghanistan
The adventures of a 1930s mounted explorer.
Ernest F. Fox
Travels with a Donkey
A journey across France in 1878
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tschiffely's Ride
10,000 miles in the saddle from Argentina to Washington DC
Aime Tschiffely
Turkestan Solo
Mounted adventures in Central Asia during the 1930s.
Ella Maillart
England's Poet of the Saddle rides through Eastern Europe
Jeremy James
Vier Pferde, Ein Hund und Drei Soldaten
A Swiss explorer's equestrian journey across Europe in the 1930s.
Hans Schwarz
Wartime Ride
A thousand-mile ride round East Anglia during the Second World War
J. Wentworth Day
Winter Sketches from the Saddle
Riding through Old New England in the winter of 1887
John Codman

Und hier Bücher von anderen Verlagen zum gleichen Thema: 

L'amazone des Amériques
French translation of Ana Beker's amazing ride from Argentina to Canada (see "The Courage to Ride" above).
Jean-Louis Gouraud
Bud and Me 
The story of two little boys who rode from New York to San Francisco in 62 days - alone - in 1911!
Alta Abernathy
Chevauchée des Steppes, La 
A 3,000 kilometre adventure along the Silk Route (French)
Sylvain Tesson and Priscilla Telmon
Cities of Gold 
A journey through the American Southwest in the footsteps of a legendary 16th Century explorer.
Douglas Preston
Colour of Courage, The 
The exhilarating tale of a two-year ride through Australia from Cooktown to Melbourne.
Sharon Muir Watson
The exciting story of twelve hundred wilderness miles, eleven mountain ranges and twenty-two river crossings in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Stan Walchuk Jr.
Deux Chevaux pour Un Cavalier 
The story of Mikhail Asseyev's truly astonishing  ride from Kiev to Paris in 33 days.  (French)
L. V. Evdokimov
Edge of Blue Heaven  
The book of the television series - Benedict Allen travels across Mongolia.
Benedict Allen
Empire of Genghis Khan, In the 
A journey among the nomads of Central Asia.
Stanley Stewart
Eye on the Hill 
The wonderfully evocative story of a ride around Britain in the 1970s.
Richard Barnes
Hollywood the Hard Way
The tale of an epic trail ride in 1946.
Patti Dickinson
Horse called George along the Oregon Trail, With a
Famous Swiss artist rides the Oregon Trail.
Hafis Bertschinger
Horseback Journeys of Celia Fiennes
Elizabeth Barrett retraces Celia Fiennes' astonishing rides. 
Elizabeth Barrett
Horses Forever
An enchanting book for younger horse-lovers. 
Lawrence Scanlan
Long Way to Los Gatos, The
The story of how Verne Albright rode two Peruvian Pasos from Peru to California - alone.
Verne Albright
Maze, The 
The story of a bold adventure on horseback through red rock canyons and vast open plains of Arizona.
Lucy Rees
Mit Zwei Pferden um die Welt
The story of a German Long Rider and his two horses who travelled around the world.
Manfred Schulze
The story of an expedition to Patagonia (Swedish)
Mikael Strandberg
Patterson of Tibet 
The autobiography of the man who  helped to rescue the Dalai Lama from the advancing Chinese in 1946!
George Patterson
Russie des chevaux, des hommes, et des saints Jean-Louis Gouraud
Saddled with Darwin 
Toby Green rides in Darwin's footsteps through South America.
Toby Green
The enchanting story of Dmitri Peshkov's truly astounding ride from Russia's Far East to St. Petersburg.  (French)
Jean-Louis Gouraud
The wild dog of Patagonia tells the story of Mikael and Titti Strandberg's South American adventures from his point of view. (Swedish)
Mikael Strandberg
Sufridor is a horse, and recounts his adventures as he was ridden from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska.  (Spanish)
Louis Bruhnke
Тайны  истории в романах, повестях и документах 
Three wonderful stories, including an account of Dmitri Peshkov's incredible ride (see Serko above).  (Russian)
Жан-Луи Гуро
Talking to the Ground 
One family's adventures on horseback across the sacred land of the Navajo.
Douglas Preston
Tom Bass, Black Horseman
The biography of a truly incredible man, America's first Horse Whisperer.
Bill Downey
Trail Riding Western Montana 
If you want to go to one of the most beautiful States and enjoy it from the back of a horse, this book is a must!
Carellen Smith-Barnett
Wild About Horses 
Essential reading for all horse-lovers, this book includes a chapter about some of the most amazing Long Rides of all time!
Lawrence Scanlan
Worldwide Riding Vacations 
Inspired by all the amazing Long Rides?  Get this book and go and have an adventure of your own!
John Ruler and Arthur Sacks