Der Verlag The Long Rider`s Guild Press |
CuChullaine O`Reilly (Übersetzung dk)
An unsere verehrten Leser Der Verlag The Long Riders' Guild Press hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die gesamte schriftstellerische Arbeit der weltgrößten Weitreiter von deren Packtaschen zu Eurem Bücherregal zu bringen! Unten findet Ihr beinahe 100 der berühmtesten Reiter-Reisebücher, die je geschrieben wurden! Damit wird zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Reiterei diese einzigartige reiterliche Erfahrung für alle zugänglich.
Und wenn Ihr eines der Bücher bestellen wollt, könnt Ihr das direkt bei machen: Titel merken und eingeben, falls der Titel englischsprachig ist, dann bei der Suche "englischsprachig " angeben! Für sonstige Anfragen bitte ein email (englischsprachig) direkt an den Verlag. Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Bücher werden wir so nach und nach ergänzen. Anm.d.Red.: Die -leider sehr wenigen- deutschsprachigen Titel sind hervorgehoben. Hier kommt Ihr direkt hin:
Die beiden Tafeln sind alphabetisch nach dem Buchtitel geordnet.
des Amériques French translation of Ana Beker's amazing ride from Argentina to Canada (see "The Courage to Ride" above). |
Jean-Louis Gouraud |
Bud and Me The story of two little boys who rode from New York to San Francisco in 62 days - alone - in 1911! |
Alta Abernathy |
des Steppes, La A 3,000 kilometre adventure along the Silk Route (French) |
Sylvain Tesson and Priscilla Telmon |
Cities of Gold A journey through the American Southwest in the footsteps of a legendary 16th Century explorer. |
Douglas Preston |
Colour of Courage, The The exhilarating tale of a two-year ride through Australia from Cooktown to Melbourne. |
Sharon Muir Watson |
Cordillera The exciting story of twelve hundred wilderness miles, eleven mountain ranges and twenty-two river crossings in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. |
Stan Walchuk Jr. |
Deux Chevaux pour Un Cavalier The story of Mikhail Asseyev's truly astonishing ride from Kiev to Paris in 33 days. (French) |
L. V. Evdokimov |
Edge of Blue Heaven The book of the television series - Benedict Allen travels across Mongolia. |
Benedict Allen |
Empire of Genghis Khan, In the A journey among the nomads of Central Asia. |
Stanley Stewart |
Eye on the Hill The wonderfully evocative story of a ride around Britain in the 1970s. |
Richard Barnes |
Hollywood the Hard Way The tale of an epic trail ride in 1946. |
Patti Dickinson |
Horse called George along the
Oregon Trail, With a Famous Swiss artist rides the Oregon Trail. |
Hafis Bertschinger |
Horseback Journeys of Celia
Fiennes Elizabeth Barrett retraces Celia Fiennes' astonishing rides. |
Elizabeth Barrett |
Horses Forever An enchanting book for younger horse-lovers. |
Lawrence Scanlan |
Long Way to Los Gatos, The The story of how Verne Albright rode two Peruvian Pasos from Peru to California - alone. |
Verne Albright |
Maze, The The story of a bold adventure on horseback through red rock canyons and vast open plains of Arizona. |
Lucy Rees |
Zwei Pferden um die Welt The story of a German Long Rider and his two horses who travelled around the world. |
Manfred Schulze |
Patagonien The story of an expedition to Patagonia (Swedish) |
Mikael Strandberg |
Patterson of Tibet The autobiography of the man who helped to rescue the Dalai Lama from the advancing Chinese in 1946! |
George Patterson |
Russie des chevaux, des hommes, et des saints | Jean-Louis Gouraud |
Saddled with Darwin Toby Green rides in Darwin's footsteps through South America. |
Toby Green |
Serko The enchanting story of Dmitri Peshkov's truly astounding ride from Russia's Far East to St. Petersburg. (French) |
Jean-Louis Gouraud |
Sigge The wild dog of Patagonia tells the story of Mikael and Titti Strandberg's South American adventures from his point of view. (Swedish) |
Mikael Strandberg |
Sufridor Sufridor is a horse, and recounts his adventures as he was ridden from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska. (Spanish) |
Louis Bruhnke |
истории в
повестях и
документах Three wonderful stories, including an account of Dmitri Peshkov's incredible ride (see Serko above). (Russian) |
Жан-Луи Гуро |
Talking to the Ground One family's adventures on horseback across the sacred land of the Navajo. |
Douglas Preston |
Tom Bass, Black Horseman The biography of a truly incredible man, America's first Horse Whisperer. |
Bill Downey |
Trail Riding Western Montana If you want to go to one of the most beautiful States and enjoy it from the back of a horse, this book is a must! |
Carellen Smith-Barnett |
Wild About Horses Essential reading for all horse-lovers, this book includes a chapter about some of the most amazing Long Rides of all time! |
Lawrence Scanlan |
Worldwide Riding Vacations Inspired by all the amazing Long Rides? Get this book and go and have an adventure of your own! |
John Ruler and Arthur Sacks |